Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill

Asset number: NE-GRE.R3.A10

Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill
Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill
Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill
Thumbnail - Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill Thumbnail -

Gresilva GHPI R3/850 - Rotisserie Grill

Asset number: NE-GRE.R3.A10

Hold onto the cash you need to run and grow your business!

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Includes 10% GST

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Flexible rental
12 month rental agreement
Tax deductible
Rental payments are 100% tax deductible
Upgrade or buy the equipment at any time
  • Fast instant flameless smokeless heat - turn on and you’re ready to start grilling
  • 6 spit rotating rotisserie compact gas grill - can support 6 different rotisserie spits at the same time
  • Auto feed water bath for humidity and waste collection
  • Heat sources are positioned at a lower level and outside the cooking area & supplied by burners made up of diagonally arranged ceramic radiation plates to provide enough heat for cooking & allowing fat and waste to fall without coming into contact with the heat source
  • Reduction of grease and fat in exhaust hood contributing to significant savings in cleaning and kitchen exhaust maintenance - all grease is captured by an overflow grease collection drawer for easy collection
  • Adjustable temperature
  • Low level CO / CO2 emission due to high efficiency flameless ceramic burners
  • Easy daily cleaning and maintenance - all you need to do is wash the grid and the waste trays
  • No cross flavour cooking - fish and meat can be cooked at the same time without mixing the flavours
  • Ceramic fibre insulation
  • Extremely robust internal structure in 5mm stainless steel & exterior structure/grids/trays in thick stainless steel
  • Does not need constant attention from the user as no flames are produced
  • Heavy duty rear castors for easy movement
  • Automatic spit control with 3 speeds
  • Rotation in both directions & pedal with clutch system to stop and facilitate the handling of grids
  • 94MJ/hr
Delivery and Installation

Hold onto the cash you need to run and grow your business!

Flexible, 12-month rental agreement

Manageable, weekly payments

Rental payments are 100% tax deductible

Upgrade or buy the equipment at any time

If you buy the equipment, you'll get back 75% of the net rental payments you've already made

Continue renting or return the equipment after 12 months
