Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry

Asset number: NE-CH.BMH.I.GDB.4

Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry
Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry
Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry
Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry
Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry
Thumbnail - Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry Thumbnail - Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry Thumbnail -

Culinaire CH.BMH.I.GDB.4 - Bain Marie Island with Double Gantry

Asset number: NE-CH.BMH.I.GDB.4

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Flexible rental
12 month rental agreement
Tax deductible
Rental payments are 100% tax deductible
Upgrade or buy the equipment at any time
  • 4 module unit
  • Unit comes complete with CH.BMH.U bain marie hot cupboard plus island bench top and double overhead heated gantry fully fitted and wired
  • Gantry is welded to bench top
  • Double overhead gantry comes with heat lamps to bottom level only
  • Overhead Quartz IR heat lamps provide heat and illumination to the product below
  • Overhead heat lamps are fully adjustable via a solid-state voltage controller for accurate temperature selection
  • Stainless steel work shelf fitted to fold down brackets can be added as an optional extra at the time of ordering - This item is required to be factory fitted
  • Specsheet 

Delivery and Installation

Hold onto the cash you need to run and grow your business!

Flexible, 12-month rental agreement

Manageable, weekly payments

Rental payments are 100% tax deductible

Upgrade or buy the equipment at any time

If you buy the equipment, you'll get back 75% of the net rental payments you've already made

Continue renting or return the equipment after 12 months
